Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 Semester 1

Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 Semester 1

Question 1-5
Going to a Post Office
My best friend and I are going to a post office this afternoon. The post office in my city is far from my house. The post office in my city is located between the mall and the bank. There is a mosque in front of the post office. There is also a little city park in the right side of the mosque.
My best friend wants to mail her letter to her parents in Yogyakarta. In the post office, I want to buy some envelopes and stamps. I also want to write a letter and send it to my cousin. He lives in Norway.
1. Where are the writer and her best friend going this afternoon?
a. They are going to the mall.
b. They are going to the post office.
c. They are going to the city park.
d. They are going to the bank.

2. Where is the post office located?
a. It is located between the city park and the bank.
b. It is located between the bank and the mosque.
c. It is located between the mall and the bank.
d. It is located between the mall and the mosque.

3. Where is the city park located?
a. It is located next to the mall.
b. It is located next to the bank.
c. It is located next to the mosque.
d. It is located next to the post office.

4. Why does the writer’s best friend want to go to the post office?
a. She wants to send the letter to her parents.
b. She wants to mail the packet to her parents.
c. She wants to send the letter to her cousin.
d. She wants to mail the letter to her cousin.

5. Where does the writer’s cousin live?
a. He lives in Yogyakarta.
b. He lives in Norway.
c. He lives in Jakarta.
d. He lives in Bandung.

6. I usually........... (memancing)
a. Hiking          c. Camping
b. Hunting       d. Fishing

7. We go to the swimming pool for...
a. Climbing       c jogging 
b. Swimming    d. Running

8. Mr. Arman is a farmer. He works in the...
a. Mosque        b. Rice field      c. Sea        d. harbor

9. He is teaching in the classroom. He is a.....
a. Teacher   b. Nurse     c. Policeman      d. farmer

10. What is the indonesian national anthem?
a. its hari merdeka        b. Its indonenesia raya
b. its mengheningkan cipta    d. its indonesia jaya

fill the blanks
1. 48 ....................................................................
2. 255 ..................................................................
3. A...................................flies an airplane
4. A in the ricefield
5. What is the color of banana? ................
6. He is a ................
7. ‘sad’ and ‘happy’ are..........
8. Translate into indonesia :
“my family name is Jones. And I live in america”
9. Translate into english:
“isabel adalah seorang perawat”

10. When is the Indonesian independence day? ................

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